Artsdown Opens! 

I’m pleased to say I think Artsdown is ready!

Perhaps the best way to introduce Artsdown is to post most of our About page here …

Artsdown is a place to explore and post downloadable arts and things related to downloadable arts (such as links, reviews, events, products, services, ideas and experiences), as well as a place to comment on postings and reward (proxri) arts creators. The arts here might be visual art, music, photography, poetry, writing, design, film, video and other kinds of works.

Easy downloading and sharing on networks creates opportunities for more variety, exploration, richer lives and rewards that relate. If certain information is attached to works, we can relate to and reward creators no matter how we access or get their works. And, networks let rewards for the works relate to the enjoyments, benefits, people and circumstances in the proximity. Such rewards are called proxri.

Part of the idea of Artsdown is to use a combination of cooperation, networks, the possibilities of WordPress, and hopefully the practice of proxri (ProxRewards). In some ways this is a bit of an experiment, but when combined, these things could create variety-enhancing sustainable proximities.

This site could become sort of like a garden, in the sense that when tended and nurtured, gardens can produce wonderful things. Like other gardens, this may get a bit messy at times. However, with some care, cooperation, rewarding and tending, this can probably be a rather interesting place that produces some wonderful things.

How to start? Everyone starts as an explorer, so see Briefing for Explorers!

— David Loughry